
An extensive study about HIV from the perspective of doctors and patients


As residents of San Francisco, a city with one of the largest populations of people living with HIV in the United States, estimated at 15,811 people, me and my team wanted to gain a deeper understanding of HIV and HIV self tests. During this project we explored different ways in which we as designers can contribute to the cause.


UX design and research lead


Google forms, Mural, Instagram, 1-1 Interviews, Google docs, Figma


March 2023 - May 2023

Team Members

Purva Gangur and Nakaya


Observed that people around me are not well educated about HIV and HIV self tests. There is still stigma around it.

How might we reduce stigma around HIV by normalizing HIV testing through Self Test kits and provide additional resources?

Main Goals


Aim to eradicate HIV stigma through targeted awareness


Educate the target audience about the importance of HIV Self Tests


Develop UX-driven design solutions to effectively raise awareness about HIV

San Francisco is one of the cities which has the most number of HIV cases . . .

According to SF AIDS Foundations, has one of the largest populations of people living with HIV in the United States with an estimated 15,537.

Core Insights

After researching HIV data in San Francisco, we questioned the prevalence of cases in a large city like ours. This prompted us to explore challenges in less developed regions where resources are scarce. Subsequently, we integrated factors like gender, age, and ethnicity into our research for deeper insights.

World Wide Statistics


people did not know that they were living with HIV in 2022.

* data gathered from UN Aids


million people living with HIV in 2022


of all people living with HIV were women and girls.

So what’s the problem?

Stigma surrounding HIV remains a significant barrier to testing and accessing resources, hindering early detection and perpetuating misconceptions, thus increasing vulnerability to the virus and associated health risks.

πŸ‘©πŸ» Target Audience: Students from age 16 - 23

Visit to the HIV organizations in San Francisco

After compiling a list of potential interviewees, we visited organizations such as AHF, Positive Resource Center, and the LGBT Museum in the city. We conducted empathetic interviews, avoiding personal questions.

β€œConveying the message that HIV is no longer a death sentence.”

Director of Positive Resource Center

54% of participants unsure how to respond to HIV diagnosis.

​We asked 34 students from different cultures and schools of age 16-23 to complete our survey.

Insights from the interview of 10 students

Best way to reduce stigma is by educating people using social media

Understanding our target users

  • Education is the most suitable way to reduce the stigma around HIV

  • Increasing awareness through social media can help people learn about what HIV is and more about HIV Self tests

  • Positive environment is essential for the patients. We should understand their problem and be there for them all the time

Our Solutions

Vending Machine

Proposal of HIV Self Tests vending machine in the common places like malls and convenience store

Instagram posts for @cca.caplconnects

Mobile App

A mobile app which can be connected to vending machines and for the HIV resources

As mentioned in the survey responses, the use of social media is a great way to spread awareness, education, and to encourage open dialogue. We created Instagram posts for @cca.caplconnects- a place for Art and Design Activists at CCA to interrupt inequites.

Post 2: HIV Prevention Methods

Posts for social media

A posts for social media about HIV, HIV self tests and resources

Post 1: Education and addressing misconceptions

Post 3: HIV preventing resources

Vending Machine & MobileApp

Design a system that is accessible and helpful in order to enhance the utilization and knowledge about HIV self tests and resources among aged 15-21. Reduce stigma by normalizing HIV testing.

Proposed Location

  • Malls

  • School/university

  • CVS / Walgreens

What would vending machines provide?

  • PrEp

  • HIV self test Kits

Key Product features