
It’s so good to see you in my creative space ❋

Let’s talk about my background β€”

Welcome to my creative playground. I am Sanjhal, a UI/UX designer who does not believe in merely crafting pixels and code; instead, I am a storyteller of digital experiences.

Currently, I am pursuing my undergraduate degree in Human Computer Interaction at California College of Arts, San Francisco.

Believe in designing to make a real impact on people's lives.

Bringing people together through intuitive and inclusive design

Innovation fuels my creativity

Get to know me!

Beyond designing products & interfaces, I love

Curating exhibitions in my school. I am the board member of the first year.

Creating sculptures and 3D models which helps me express myself

Organizing and managing the Indian Club to get my Indian culture forward

Volunteering at 826 Valencia involves working with kindergarten assisting them in expressing their creativity through writing.